What's Good My Fellows I am...
It's very nice to formally introduce myself after a long hiatus,
been around 4 months since a proper update and its finally time to get to work build this shit
and get things tidy and how they should.
Today from 1am-6:58am on the day of Novemeber 10th 2024, I have improved the old iteration of the old page greatly. now that the layout is more streamlined and appealing,
I can get to work on adding some meat to the site, because that seems like whats lacking the most in this place, the details. and I love details.
"What details are you planing on implementing?"
Well I'm glad you asked! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Please look forward to:
1.) Realtime Day Night Cycle Tracker for my timezone.
2.) A Point and Click Adventure World to explore in "The Room"™; decorated and designed by yours truly.
3.) A comprehensive list of the many projects I'm working on; discover my shit
5.) and last for now, Fully realised art gala containing an explorable digital showcase.
Again, very thank you for beign so patient with me. I'm happy I can get back into this and, again, look forward to these updates (>3>) ..........................................................